We are not currently fulfilling direct orders for most titles. We recommend purchasing all Seaweed Salad Editions books from Small Press Distribution. Please contact us directly with inquiries regarding special art editions.

Wang Ying, City Ghosts Sea, translated by Andrea Lingenfelter. Bilingual Chinese and English. Featuring color photography by Wang Yin and an introduction by Andrea Lingenfelter. $16.00. Order from SPD.

Lu Xun, Weeds, translated by Matt Turner. Bilingual Chinese and English. Featuring an introduction by Nick Admussen and woodblock print artwork by Monika Lin. $22.00.
Order Weeds from SPD.

Han Bo, The China Eastern Railway, translated by David Perry. $15.00 including shipping within US (non-US orders please inquire directly regarding shipping
Not available from SPD.

David Perry, Expat Taxes. $15.00
Order Expat Taxes from SPD.